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​SUNG MIN KIM Biography


2009  Ph.D of Arts and Aesthetics, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India


2002  M.A. of History of Art, New Delhi, India

1995  BFA, Seoul National University, Seoul



Solo Show

2016  'Mudra: Time-Trace', Bildungshaus St. Arbogast, Austria


2014  'Fountain: Maatrika', Embassy of India, Berlin, Germany


2013  'The etemal Feminine', Korea Kulturhaus Osterreich, Vienna, Austria

2012  'Into the flowing Formless', Bildungshaus St. Hippolyt, Austria


2004  'Silent Move', India International Centre, New Delhi, India



Group Show

2014   'Unsere Heilige (Our Saints)#5' Painting exhibition, Bildungshaus St. Hippolyt, Austria

2012   Group Painting Exhibition, Korea Kulturhaus Osterreich, Vienna, Austria

2010    'Unsere Heilige (Our Saints)#3' Painting exhibition, Bildungshaus St. Hippolyt, Austria

1995   Group Painting Exhibition, Seoul

1995    Group Painting - Uzbekistan in the commemoration of 4th Anniversary of Independence of Uzbekistan, Tashkent

1995   Group Painting Exhibition, Seoul



2015  Voice of the Void : Aesthetics of the Buddhist Mandala on the basis of the Doctrine of Vāk. New Delhi: D.K. Printworld (P) Ltd.

2007  “Śūnya: Immanent and Transcendent: Investigating Meanings of Void Through Art’s Space” in Sacred Landscapes in Asia: Shared Traditions, Multiple Histories. Ed. Himanshu Prabha Ray, New Delhi: Manohar

2006  “Aesthetics of Karunā: The Thousand Armed Avalokiteśvara” in Sahrdaya: Studies in Indian and South East Asian Art in Honour of Dr. R. Nagaswamy. Ed. Bettina Baumer, etc., Chennai: Tamil Arts Academy

2004  “A Philosophy to Painting : Sung-Min Kim In Discussion With Geeti Sen”, IIC Quarterly, Summer, New Delhi

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